Parents can play an important role in helping teens and young adults with disabilities use Project TEAM concepts and the Game Plan in their everyday lives. Parents can encourage trainees to use the Game Plan to problem-solve activity challenges. Parents can ask trainees the “Discussion Questions” to learn more about Project TEAM, the Game Plan, and to help trainees use the Game Plan to do activities that are important to them.
Discussion Questions
As youth participate in Project TEAM, the facilitators encourage parents and caregivers to discuss the experience with their trainees outside of the classroom. Here are some discussion questions to get the conversation started.
- What is one activity you are good at doing? What makes you good at that activity?
- What is one activity you have a hard time doing? What makes it hard for you to do that activity?
- What parts of the environment do you notice at home?
- What parts of the environment at home help you do activities? What parts of the environment at home make it hard for you to do activities?
- What strategies do you use at home to help you do activities? What part of the environment are you changing when you use that strategy?
- Think of a strategy you use at home. How does using that strategy change how other people at home do activities? Does it make it harder? Does it help? Does it make it more or less fun?
- Is there something from your last IEP/504 plan that you wish would have been different? Would you like anything new or different for your next IEP/504 plan? (For example, the therapist not talking about “therapy” in front of classmates, not having the classroom aid walk out to the bus, not having the teacher remind you out loud to use your adaptive equipment.)
- Think of your goal activity for Project TEAM. Who could you talk to about a change you need to reach your goal?
- What activity would you like to try next? How can you use the Game Plan to help you do that activity?