Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory – Patient Reported Outcome

The PEDI-PRO is based on an existing assessment, called the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). The PEDI is completed by parents or other professionals in places like schools, occupational and physical therapy, and hospitals.  However, our team believes young people with developmental disabilities have a right to be involved in planning their future and evaluating the outcomes of educational programs and healthcare. The PEDI-PRO will provide teens and young adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to identify the everyday activities and tasks they want and need to get better at doing. The PEDI-PRO will also provide teens and young adults the chance to self-evaluate the progress they make over time: either in school, after receiving specialized training or therapy, or after receiving healthcare services.

The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory-Patient Reported Outcome (PEDI-PRO) assesses the functional performance of discrete tasks required to participate in everyday life situations. The PEDI-PRO is an evidence-based assessment for teens and young adults with intellectual and/or devevelopmental disabilities (ages 14-22). The PEDI-PRO provides Daily Activity, Social/Cognitive, and Mobility domain scores, and can be used in collaboration with the PEDI-CAT parent-reported assessment.

Accessibility features ensure the PEDI-PRO is easy to use and engaging for teens and young adults with a range of communication, cognitive, and motor skills.

Learn more:

To access the PEDI-PRO, visit AbleLink Smart Living Technologies, LLC

The PEDI-PRO was developed in collaboration with the University of Florida and AbleLink Smart Living Technologies, LLC

The PEDI-PRO research was funded by the National Center Medical Rehabilitation Research, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development / National Institute Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health (K12 HD055931, R42HD090772) and the Center for Translation of Rehabilitation Engineering Advances and Technology (TREAT; R24HD065703 and P2CHD086841).