VocFit – Mar News

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Rethinkg College – Movie Time!

Young adults with college experience are more likely to find employment. Want to learn more about how college can be accessible for all students, including students with intellectual disabilities?
Watch this movie from Think College: https://thinkcollege.net/resources/rethinking-college

Growth is in the air!

It’s spring, and we are inspired by all the things growing around us! An important part of this study is learning how people’s employment skills and experience grow. We have reached 42% of our first and second follow up goals. By doing a second interview with us, you can help us build the evidence needed to improve employment outcomes for young adults with disabilities. If you are not sure when your follow up interview is scheduled, contact the team at yell@phhp.ufl.edu.

Thank you!

Did you know that you are one of 300 people cross the country who have enrolled in the study “Vocational Fit Assessment and Employment Status in People with Intellectual Disabilities”? We are still looking for 40 more people with IDD ages 18-26. If someone you know may be interested in this study, have them contact us at yell@phhp.ufl.edu or 352-273-9365.

Working together, we can build evidence of vocational training for people with IDD! We thank you for helping make 2022 a great year for the study “Vocational Fit Assessment and Employment Status in People with Intellectual Disabilities.” We have reached 68% of our total goal!

Learn more…